Institution: Stephen F. Austin State University
College Market Value
as of 01/31/2025
Athletics 5,365,458.93
Business 21,552,199.21
Education 7,098,784.84
Fine Arts 13,817,907.13
Forestry and Agriculture 21,708,391.13
Liberal and Applied Arts 3,474,513.32
No Assignment 35,442,070.56
Sciences and Mathematics 20,170,568.06
Student Affairs 609,380.93
All Colleges $129,239,274.11
Academic Purpose Market Value
as of 01/31/2025
Chair 2,079,485.08
Distinguished Professorship 1,082,078.07
Graduate Fellowship 88,771.91
Miscellaneous 47,305,645.56
Professorship 4,462,534.41
Scholarship 74,220,759.08
All Academic Purposes $129,239,274.11